Final Plan Set Received for 780 SRQ Condos

780 SRQ Condos (23-ASP-01) 1351 Fruitville Road: An application for Administrative Site Plan Approval to construct 34 multi-family residential units above ground-level parking in a five-story building on the north side of Fruitville Road, between Central and Cocoanut Avenues.

Vehicular access is via the public alley. The 0,67-acre site has a Future Land Use Classification of Urban Edge and is zoned Downtown Edge (DTE). The parcel is located within the Rosemary Residential Overlay District (RROD) and utilizes bonus density and height provisions of Section VI-912 ©, including providing attainable units.

Under completeness review, the 30-day period ends 11/10/22. Deemed incomplete 10/25/22, response due no later than 11/28/22. Response received 11/2/22. Deemed incomplete 11/17/22, DRC 12/21/22. Resubmittal required. Resubmittal received DRC 3/15/23. Partial sign-off. Response to technical comments received 5/23/23. Full sign-off received, waiting for submittal of final plan set. Final plan set received 7/13/23. Approval letter sent 8/1/23.

23-ADS-06 received 3/28/23. Request for an adjustment to allow for limited use of metal for some exterior balcony railings in the Fruitville Road Gateway Corridor Overlay District. 23-ADS-06 withdrawn 4/17/23.

Staff contact:
Amy Pintus, Development Review Planner, 941-263-6489


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